Successful hard working individuals like yourself do well to increase your earnings from various forms of compensation (paychecks, prizes, multiple sales, etc.) It's likely that you're already spending every available hour on your business contacts, networking, email, web content and more – so just where are you supposed to find even more hours to devote to your source of income?
What if you don't have to find more hours? What if you just need to make sure every dollar coming into your Business is working for you?
We can show you how to do just that. We can teach you how to get every possible write-off on your taxes. Paying less in taxes automatically means more money coming in that's yours to keep.
Do you know which business receipts may be literally worth their weight in gold? Which receipts should you keep? When should you annotate them? And how can you organize them so that they can be used during tax season? How many years of records do you need to store?
NTS can help you with all of those questions. We have answers. And they can be carefully tailored to fit your needs and those of your business. To learn more about tax deductions as they apply to your business, please call 702.998.0224 or email Make an appointment or send last year's tax returns for a review at no charge. If there is something that will improve last year's return we can still amend it. Be sure to see our Tax Specials!
You worked hard to earn the money you make, let us work hard to get every deduction legally available to help you keep more of the money you make.
Please Contact us with any specific individual needs, questions or concerns.